Contact Us

Hi There,
We hope you are enjoying the messages of hope and inspiration offered on this website.  Please use all the many suggestions and offerings in this website to open your heart to God and feel the immense love that God has for you.  We are all on our own unique journey to find God and reconnect with the divine unconditional love that is our birthright.

This is a journey of self discovery and is an inside job.  No one can do it for you.   We have no staff, so we are not available for individual consultations. Answering all emails may not be possible, however, we will do our best to respond, as best we can.  We are just messengers for God, planting seeds and pointing you back to God.  God wants you to go inside your heart.  God is waiting for you inside your heart and will give you the perfect guidance for you and fill you with the divine unconditional love that God has for YOU.

We welcome your questions regarding BIBO Breathwork and especially your success stories and testimonials. Please send your questions, comments, and success stories using the form below. We will respond as quickly as possible.

Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your life.

John, Sue and Angel Love

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