Christ Consciousness

John:  Dear God, How should we define Christ Consciousness and what do you want us to say about it on the website? God:  Christ consciousness is the term used to describe being at one with me. That is why the process has been called the at-one-ment or atonement.  In other…

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100% Accountable

In the past, I experienced a lot of anger, in fact, I would have to say that anger was my main choice to protect myself in all relationships, both casual and intimate.  Needless to say, that anger was a challenge to my relationships.  I have been blessed to have finally…

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Using The Tools

I find that navigating the current times with all the fear and confusion caused by covid, I get angry or frustrated often.  I wonder if Sue and I are becoming more sensitive to what others are feeling.  I suspect we are.  This creates many opportunities to use the tools that…

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Hello world!

This blog site is all about waking up to the love that God has for us. The blogs will be either Sue or myself (John Love) sharing messages from God, God’s wisdom or relevant topics to help the reader to connect with God and to feel God’s love. We hope…

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