
We have created and are offering online classes, for a minimal fee. We found, in our own personal journey that we had unresolved issues with parents, family and friends that were affecting us in our lives. With God’s guidance, we were able to heal these issues in our own lives and God asked us to create classes, including demonstrations of the process, that God gave us and to offer these classes to help others.

Accordingly, our first online class is The 10 Steps to True Healing and Forgiveness on Parental Issues and the second class is 10 Steps to True Healing and Forgiveness on Relationship issues. Using the 10 step process that God gave us helped immensely and yet we found that we still were getting emotionally triggered from time to time. God shared with us that the reason we were still getting triggered is because we still had unresolved issues related to our relationship with God.

God then showed us a simple process to use in addressing and healing those issues, many of which were hidden from us in our subconscious mind. God then asked us to create another class offering this 5 step process to others. This became the third class in this series of classes about forgiveness and healing relationships and is our most powerful class. This final class is called “5 Steps to Healing Your Relationship With God.”

We strongly encourage everyone to take advantage of these amazing classes. The processes included in these classes were given to us by God and they have completely transformed our lives. We humbly thank God for the guidance, love and support we experienced and we now graciously offer that support to you in these classes. Thank you.

John Love on “Why is Forgiveness Important?”



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