About Us

John and Sue Love

We welcome you to “Waking Up To God’s Love” and it is our heart’s desire that you find the wisdom, guidance and encouragement you need to heal whatever needs healing in your life. It is our privilege to share what we have learned. We have spent many years learning and personally growing as we healed ourselves from traumas, heartbreaks, childhood issues, relationship issues and much more.

We both have been blessed to have had near death experiences where we felt God’s love. These experiences changed us forever and during Sue’s second near death experience she actually was in God’s presence. This experience opened Sue’s ability to communicate with God so much that she is able to have conversations with God.

Angel Love

We have been trained in many alternative healing modalities, including bodywork. Each of these helped us in our journey to heal ourselves but none succeeded in completely healing the issue being addressed. We eventually turned from looking outside of ourselves for help and spent time asking God (The Divine) for help. God came to Sue and guided us step by step in creating BIBO Breathwork. This healing modality is a gift from God to all of us.

What we have personally experienced is that BIBO Breathwork succeeds where all others failed. Using the breath, connecting with God (The Divine), using intention, prayer and then asking, believing and receiving in the manner that God shared with us (BIBO Breathwork) was able to finally bring us the healing success we were looking for. We share some of our experiences in our videos and also in the demonstrations that are included in our online courses on forgiveness.

If you are having challenges in your relationships or are still being affected by events from your childhood, we strongly encourage you to enroll in our online forgiveness courses. We have set the cost for each forgiveness course at a modest investment of $20.00 so that these courses could be afforded by anybody and not just the wealthy.

Our class on healing your relationship with God, is very powerful and includes over 3 hours of video instruction, including demonstrations, by both John and Sue, showing how to do the process. The course also includes a very thorough questionnaire with over 40 questions, designed to help you discover the deeply buried beliefs interfering with your connection to God. This life changing course is offered for a modest investment of only $50.00.

Please take advantage of everything this website has to offer. We know from our own experience how helpful BIBO Breathwork can be. If you are grieving and need additional support or wish to join a support group we have included links to tremendous additional resources in the section on grieving. It is our heart’s desire that your heart be filled with love and your life be filled with peace, joy and harmony. Thank you for spending time with us. If you have questions go to the contact us page.


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