This morning as I was laying in bed, I thought about the saying “LET GO AND LET GOD.” I have quoted that saying many times over the years. I love this saying and even carved a plaque with those beautiful words on it. However, I never really stopped to think about what it truly means.
So, I asked myself, what does that actually mean? What does it mean to “LET GO AND LET GOD?”
It means to LET GO, as in release, and give it over to GOD. LET GO and give IT over to GOD and then LET GOD transmute IT into LOVE.
What does it mean to give “IT” over to GOD. It means to give whatever you want to let go of (such as problems, issues, hurts, illness, etc.) over to God and then to release it.
GOD will transmute it into LOVE, and if you are able to believe that GOD took it from you and transmuted it into love, then whatever you wanted to let go of is gone for good. Why is it gone for good? It is gone for good because it has been turned into love.
And that is basically what BIBO Breathwork is all about. When we are willing to release our problems, hurts, issues, negative emotions, judgement or illness and allow God to take that burden off our shoulders and then turn that burden into love, we are free of that burden, forever. That is how God’s love heals everything. I guess that is why GOD gave us BIBO Breathwork as a tool to use.
I love BIBO Breathwork and how it has transformed our lives by using the same principle as LET GO AND LET GOD. Thank you GOD!
Sue Love