Christ Consciousness

John:  Dear God, How should we define Christ Consciousness and what do you want us to say about it on the website?

God:  Christ consciousness is the term used to describe being at one with me. That is why the process has been called the at-one-ment or atonement.  In other words, dedicate your life to me and put me first.  Truly putting your ego aside and consciously choosing to subjugate your will to God’s will is the key attribute of Christ Consciousness.  

The term Christ refers to the part of you that is aligned with me.  The part of you that is one with me and knows it.  I mean really knows it, not just hoping or even believing it but actually knows it.  The truth is that there is only one.  I am that one.  I created the Christ consciousness from my own consciousness and that consciousness is buried deep within everyone.  

The process of soul evolution is the journey of rediscovering that treasure deep within you that is called Christ Consciousness.  That is the part of you that is made in my image, so to speak.  That is an incorrect interpretation of the literal truth and has been widely used to confuse the true reality.  It is not that man was created in my image but rather in my likeness, meaning that I gave man awareness of self, separate from me, along with the gift of free will, as opposed to being required to follow my will.  These combined with my consciousness as a creative force are how man was created in my likeness.  

You have the ability to choose what you want to create and experience and you have my permission.  I set this situation up so that you could experience what I experience and learn from it.  The other gift that I implanted deep within you is the feeling of pain you feel from believing that you are separate from me.  I implanted that particular gift as a homing beacon that would eventually guide you back home to me.  

The journey of life, through your many incarnations is your journey home.  That pain drives you continually.  Some try to alleviate the pain through drugs and alcohol, some through accumulating wealth and possessions, some through adventures, some through sexual experiences, some through having children, etc.  The myriad ways that you explore during your many lifetimes trying to alleviate that pain is endless.  

Eventually you come to realize that you cannot alleviate that pain through any outside source or experience and you start to put your attention on your inner reality, which is where it needs to be.  Only by going within can you find your way home.  Only by reconnecting with me, your creator will you find that pain easing.  

To completely eliminate that pain requires consciously becoming one with me, in your life.  Only by becoming one with me can you find the joy, happiness and peace that you so desperately want.  That connection of being one with me is what is being referred to as Christ Consciousness.  The act of becoming one with me requires a merging of you with me.  

That is what is meant by forming a partnership with God.  In this partnership, you look to God for guidance, in all areas of your life and at all times.  To do this requires that you overcome your ego, which is another name for that part of you that likes to be in charge and make choices based on your own individual wants or desires.  

When you are completely living your life in partnership with God, you will be operating from an entirely different outlook.  Instead of making choices based on your own individual wants or desires you will find yourself making choices that actually serve the greater good of all humanity.  You will see, feel and know the truth that we are all one and you will do what you can to help others, as guided by God.  This will look like following intuitive hunches and paying attention to the synchronicities and coincidences that occur in your life. 

I hope this helps you to better understand what Christ Consciousness is as well as explaining why you are driven to do what you can to alleviate that underlying pain of separation.  The truth is that we are not separate.  The belief that you are separate from me is the biggest illusion of all.  Go inside and you will find me there.  I have always been there waiting for you.  I love you more than you can possibly imagine and I look forward to you returning home to me.  See you inside!  God.


  1. I Love these teachings so much!
    Spent part of the morning in conversation with God due to Sues sharing of child like curiosity in make believing & journaling. Thank You Sue for sharing!
    This post appeals to me primarily because of its simplicity. I so Love the reminder of going within & the clarity around Evolving Christ Consciousness.
    Also…i get to take all questions to the Heart, Connect & listen.
    I got to experience comforting dialogue.
    Thank You Both for your service, your Love & your Devotion.
    I Love You

    • Thank you Laura. Your comment has touched our hearts. We are so glad that the wisdom being shared by God, in this website, has helped you. That is why we are doing this. It is our heart’s desire that these teachings help everyone to connect or reconnect with God and feel God’s love. You have put a smile on our face and in our hearts with your beautiful words. Thank you! Much love to you too. John, Sue and Angel.

  2. wow…this really really great very insightful…almost of Christianity doesn’t get it that what is true meaning of second coming of christ is birthing the christ within them, as we are all christ…☺️🙏

    • Mark, thank you for your beautiful comments. This is John Love, Sue’s husband. Sue and I are so thankful that you appreciated this blog and that you get the true meaning of the second coming of Christ. Thank you for sharing what you went through. What a powerful experience. Sue and I want to specifically invite you to listen to podcast episode 7, which goes live on Tuesday, October 18 at 4:00 am mountain time. The episode is called “What is wrong with God?” This is a very powerful episode and one you will not want to miss. In this episode Sue shares her deep, dark secret of what was done to her, as a child, in the name of God. Sue and I are both survivors of religious and spiritual abuse and God is now strongly telling us that the lies and religious and spiritual abuse must stop and that we are to shift our focus to speaking out strongly, encouraging people to take their power back from religious and spiritual leaders and develop their own direct and personal relationship with God.

  3. ive been in too much abuse of myself…drugs, gambling, drinking, smoking, being sex addict, been in killings since i was a soldier before …but one night i dont want to live this life anymore, i felt tired of it, i felt so much guilt that i couldnt live myself anymore, and ive been crying the whole night and a voice within me saying just relax, it keeps repeating within me saying to relax relax and i listen to it without realizing i fall to sleep and when i woke up at the early morning thats it, i feel freedom,a long lasting love,i call this divine feeling…and that is how the story of my awakening started…thank u sue for inviting me here…i will try to review your other podcast ❤️❤️❤️☺️🙏

  4. Even though had a difficult childhood, I prayed to God for help when I was five years old. And God helped me every single time. He/She took me out of a hole. Godmother and father though he was emotionally abusive, he loved me and stilll does, and I will stand by him and help him as long as I possibly can cause he’s a good man. Godmother long since passed. My best friend, Helen.Great woman. She and her lovely husband taught love of animals, and Gods’ love, it saved me. I love and miss them both along with two beautiful husbands who passed. And I adore Dannion and Kathryn Brinkley. They helped so much along with Dr. David R Hawkins and his wife Susanne Hawkins, Dr. Rev. Michael Bernard Beckwith and John and Sue. How blessed to be on the planet with you guys at the same time. Sorry for the novel. Lol
    Love and light.

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