John: Dear God, I am needing help.
God: Yes, but you are wanting me to do it for you. You are conflicted. Part of you wants it but part of you doesn’t. You are afraid to let go.
John: Let go of what?
God: Your life, as you know it. You want to connect with me on your terms. You are not ready to totally surrender your ego over to me. You still think of yourself first, others, including me, second. You are not ready to let go of your ego. YOU NEED TO PUT ME FIRST, THEN OTHERS AND THEN YOURSELF! Remember what Jesus said about sacrifice. He said that those who are willing to lose their life (in service to God) will gain it and those who are afraid to lose their life (in service to God) will end up losing it. It is quite the paradox to the mind but is, nonetheless, true.
To do Waking Up To God’s Love will require that you totally surrender to me! What do you have to surrender, you may ask? Everything! You must surrender control of your life. You must surrender your ego and your very sense of self (self interest, self centeredness, selfishness, etc.) You must totally trust my guidance and dedicate your very life to my selfless service. I’m not talking halfway, I’m talking total commitment and dedication TO ME! That is what you are afraid of. YOU DON’T FULLY TRUST GOD!!!
You are afraid to let go of your anger which has been your weapon of choice for protection. If you don’t have anger to protect you and you don’t maintain vigilant control, how will you keep safe? This is a big fear for you. Why? Because you don’t trust God to protect you. Why? Because God let’s bad things happen, right? You can name many instances where this happened, so how can you trust God to protect you? This is your dilemma and you are struggling with it.
A part of you thinks it is foolish to give up control and be totally vulnerable, especially in the world today. But ask yourself, what can you really control? Can you control the weather? Can you control other people? Can you control when you die? There is actually nothing that you really control outside of your own actions and reactions to what you perceive happening in the outside world. And don’t forget, you are only perceiving these things because your brain interprets electronic signals coming from your eyes, ears, nose, or through taste and touch. And you are perceiving these signals through your own personal filter which is based on your previous experiences, memories, etc. It may not be real, especially any perceived threat. And also, don’t forget that EVERYTHING is actually ME!!!!!!!
So when you actually carefully analyze the full and complete picture (situation) it is foolish and arrogant to think you actually control anything. The truth is that I control everything. So why not trust me? Besides, isn’t it fun to answer the question that I asked of Sue: “Are you willing to be a fool for God?”
That’s enough for now. Ponder what I have said. I love you, God.
Yes I need help from God also. Thank you for your inspiring words.
You are welcome