Using The Tools

I find that navigating the current times with all the fear and confusion caused by covid, I get angry or frustrated often.  I wonder if Sue and I are becoming more sensitive to what others are feeling.  I suspect we are.  This creates many opportunities to use the tools that have been given us.  Otherwise known as “Practice what we preach.”

I had a situation recently, with another person, that I reacted to with anger and I directed this anger at this other person.  Fortunately, I was able to catch myself and cool down fairly quickly by using a combination of “releasing the anger and giving it over to God” and “blow out anger and breathe in God’s love.”

After releasing the anger, I was reminded how important it is for all of us to continually stay present, as much as possible, to what we are feeling.  When we feel negative emotions, it is important to use the tools, we have been given, to release the negative emotions as quickly as we can.  Holding onto negative emotions can cause us to do and say things we will later regret. In addition, these negative emotions are destructive to our health by depressing our immune system and encouraging dis-ease.

Yet another reason for releasing negative emotions as quickly as possible is the fact that when we are in a negative feeling state, we tend to draw more negative experiences to us.  Releasing those negative feelings and returning to good feelings will bring more good experiences to us rather than more bad ones.

We have free will and, therefore, we have the choice.  We can choose to stay in the negative emotion and suffer the consequences or we can catch ourselves and release the negative and replace it with positive emotions.  The choice is ours to make.  And the good or bad rewards that come with that choice are ours as well.

As for me, I am choosing to stay as conscious as possible.  I am choosing to use the tools to release any negative emotions, as quickly as possible and fill myself with God’s love.  I am choosing to have good experiences, not bad ones.  What are you going to choose for you?

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