100% Accountable

In the past, I experienced a lot of anger, in fact, I would have to say that anger was my main choice to protect myself in all relationships, both casual and intimate.  Needless to say, that anger was a challenge to my relationships.  I have been blessed to have finally recognized that pattern of behavior and with tremendous help by both Sue and God, I have been able to make great progress in letting that habitual pattern go.

At the core of this help, I am talking about, is the realization that I AM 100% ACCOUNTABLE AND RESPONSIBLE FOR MY ACTIONS AND REACTIONS.  Like many people I would typically blame my anger on the other person’s words or actions.  In other words, I would project blame onto them so I didn’t have to own my part in it.  This was because I didn’t have enough feeling of self worth to handle the truth.  I had to make the other person wrong, so I could be right.

This lack of self worth and this need to be right are symptoms of being disconnected from God and God’s love.  I am finding that the more I connect with God and open my heart to feel God’s love, the greater my sense of self worth becomes.  I no longer need to be right, especially at another’s expense.  I know God loves me, just as I am, imperfections and all.

The side effect of connecting with God is that God knows exactly what is going on, what you did or didn’t do, what you said and what you are thinking and feeling.  And God loves each of us anyway.  However, God does want us to be honest with ourselves and others.  That is what leads to being 100% accountable for our actions and reactions.

The journey leading to 100% accountability isn’t easy, but it is simple.  God knows the truth and at our core of our beingness, so do we.  We just need to stop lying to ourselves and accept that we are not perfect.  We need to recognize that all of us are doing the best we can.  We need to commit to continually improving ourselves and commit to total honesty, to ourselves first and others second.

I am choosing to be totally honest.  I am choosing to be 100% accountable for ALL my actions and reactions.  I am choosing to be vulnerable and to be real.  I am choosing to put God first in my life and let God lead me.  I am choosing to open my heart and feel God’s love.  What are you choosing?  I invite you to join me.


  1. great blog John

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