Keys to Connecting with God

I shared in another post about connecting with God. It occurred to me that it might be helpful to mention the steps or keys that I have used. These keys are very simple and are best done on a daily basis. The most important thing is to remember to do them.

First, you must BELIEVE that you can connect with God. Second, you must HAVE A GREAT DESIRE to connect with God and feel God’s love. Third, you must FEEL YOURSELF connecting with God and God’s love. Fourth, you must SEE YOURSELF connecting with God and feeling God’s love. Fifth, you must TAKE ACTION to prepare for your connection and invite it into your life.

In summary, the keys are belief, desire, feeling, seeing and taking action. These five steps allow the process to unfold and impress the subconscious with expectancy. A great way to really create that expectancy is to become as a little child and make believe you are connecting with God, feeling God’s love and having fun talking to God. Do this daily, for 21 days, and you will be amazed at your connection to God.

I also recommend keeping a journal. Each day, record in your journal, what you are feeling and experiencing. You will then be able to see just how much you have grown in your connection to God. I was amazed, when looking back in my journal, at how far I had come. I had forgotten where I was in the beginning. Journals are a great way to track our progress.

Connecting with God and feeling God’s love is the most amazing experience of my life. I am so very grateful to know God on a personal level and to feel how much I am loved. I always like to tell people: “IF I CAN DO IT, SO CAN YOU, I BELIEVE IN YOU!”


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